ईश्वरः- Īśvara About Śabdayoga Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan Etymology ईश् + वरच् = ईश्वरः īś + varac = īśvaraḥ · The root for the word is ईश् ऐश्वर्ये īś aiśvarye – to rule, to command, to possess power · The suffix added to it is वरच् - varac – It is added to the root to indicate the meaning the agent/doer ( कर्त्रर्थ kartrartha ). It added based on the grammatical rule - स्थेशभासपिसकसो वरच् stheśabhāsapisakaso varac ( aṣṭādhyāyī – 3.2.175 ). Based on the above grammatical etymology the derivative statement of the word would be - शास्ति इति ईश्वरः - śāsti iti īśvaraḥ - the one who governs etc. Lexicon There are two entries in the Amarakośa to the term Īśvara. They are as follows - ईश्वरः शर्व ईशानः शङ्करश्चन्द्रशेखरः 1.1.30. īśvaraḥ śarva īśānaḥ śaṅkaraścandraśekharaḥ īśvara, śarva, īśāna, śaṅkara, candr...
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