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यत्नः- Yatnaḥ

  About Śabdayoga Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan                                                 यत्नः- Yatnaḥ Etymology यत + नङ् = यत्नः yata + naṅ = yatnaḥ ·        यत yata is the root that means प्रयत्न Prayatna – to make effort, to try etc ·        नङ् naṅ is the suffix.   It is added to the root to denote the sense – भाव - Bh āva - the act -   it is based on the rule यजयाचयतविच्छप्रच्छरक्षो नङ् yajayācayatavicchapraccharakṣo naṅ (aṣṭādhyāyī 3.3.90) [1]   Based on the etymology the derivative statement then would be यत्यते इति यत्नः yatyate iti yatnaḥ - the act of making effort.   Lexicon There is no entry for the word in Amarakośa   Textual Occurrences Yogasūtra There are two occurrences to the word Yatna in Yogasūtras, They are as follows - 1) तत्र स्थितौ यत्नाऽभ्यासः ॥ १ . १३ ॥ tatra sthitau yatnā'bhyāsaḥ .. 1.13 .. - The word appears in this Sūtra in the context of defining the term Abhyāsa. Generally, in this Sūtra the word