साधन- sādhana


  About Śabdayoga

Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan


साधन- Sādhana


साधनम् = षाध + ल्युट्

Sādhanam = ṣādha + lyuṭ


In this word – 

·        Sādha  is the root – meaning - saṃsiddhi - to achieve well 

·        Lyut is the suffix that indicate instrumentality (by which). Lyut is added to the root by the rule 3.3.117 of Sage Panini in the text aṣṭādhyāyī.

In essence - साध्यते अनेन इति साधनम्  sādhyate anena iti sādhanam - That by which (a task) is achieved is sādhanam.   



Amarakośa gives eight meanings to the term Sādhana -  

māraṇe mṛtasaṃskāre gatau dravye’rthadāpane

nirvartanopakaraṇānuvrajyāsu ca sādhanam3.3.119

They are  - Killing, funeral, motion, substance, making someone give money, repayment, material/instrument and following. 


Textual occurrences


We do not find the term Sādhana in any of the sutras. But the second chapter of the text is conventionally titled Sādhana-pāda – that contains tools or methods that lead to the goal of Yoga.

While commencing the commentary on the Aṣṭāṅgayoga yoga – sage Vyāsa, principal commentator of Yogasūtras states – na ca siddhirantareṇa sādhanam ityetadārabhyate  (2.28)– success in Yoga cannot be achieved without (appropriate) instruments/methods. Hence, this (the description of the eight limbs) is commenced.

In Bhagavadgītā the usage of the term Sādhana is not found. 


Though the term sādhana is used in the Haṭhayogapradīpikā (2.57, 3.51 and 3.76) no new inputs can be gleaned from these references. The term is used in the sense of instrument or method to achieve Haṭha’s goals. 


It is by textual study it becomes clear that none of texts as such predominantly use the term Sādhana.



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