अनुशासनम् - Anuśāsana


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Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan


अनुशासनम्  - Anuśāsana






अनु+शास्+ल्युट्  = अनुशासनम्

anu+śās+lyuṭ = anuśāsanam

 ·       The root word is śās. The meaning of the root is अनुशिष्टि - anuśiṣṭi - instruction.

·       The prefix is anu – that means to follow

·       lyuṭ  is the suffix that is added to convey the sense Bhāva (the act). This suffix is added by the rule ल्युट् च (अष्टाध्यायी ३.३.११५ ) - lyuṭ ca (aṣṭādhyāyī 3.3.115 )

Then the derivative sentence would be अनिशिष्यते इति अनुशासनम् - aniśiṣyate iti anuśāsanam - The act of instruction following (the tradition).


Lexicon - The lexicon amarakośa does not have this word. 


Textual Occurrences


There is just one occurrence of the term in this text अथ योगानुशासनम्  - atha yogānuśāsanam 1.1.

It is interesting and educative to note the derivation of the term given in some of the saṃskṛta commentaries of yogasūtra –

·       अनुशिष्यते व्याख्यायते लक्षणभेदोपायफलैर्येन तदनुशासनम्

anuśiṣyate vyākhyāyate lakṣaṇabhedopāyaphalairyena tadanuśāsanam (Bhojavṛtti)

That by which the explanation with definition, divisions, means and outcomes (of Yoga) is given is anuśāsana


·       हिरण्यगर्भादिना शिष्टस्य शासनमनुशासनं शास्त्रम्

hiraṇyagarbhādinā śiṣṭasya śāsanamanuśāsanaṁ śāstram (pradīpikā)

Teaching that which has been already taught by Hiraṇyagarbha and others (earlier teachers).

·       योगोऽनुशिष्यते विविच्य बोध्यतेऽनेनेति योगानुशासनम्

yogo'nuśiṣyate vivicya bodhyate'neneti yogānuśāsanam (nāgojībhaṭṭavṛtti)


That by which Yoga is being taught after analyzing - is yogānuśānsanam

  To summarize - Anuśāsana is instruction or teaching of Yoga that contains 

- definitions, divisions, techniques, outcomes, according to tradition and ideas that have been well analyzed. 



Though in this text there is no direct reference to the word anuśāsana in just one occasion we find a related term –

कविं पुराणमनुशासितारमणोरणीयांसमनुस्मरेद्यः 8.9

kaviṃ purāṇamanuśāsitāramaṇoraṇīyāṃsamanusmaredyaḥ .

The word anuśāsitā is used in this verse to refer to the Lord. Where śrīśaṅkarācārya defines the term anusansita as –

अनुशासितारं सर्वस्य जगतः प्रशासितारम्[1] - anuśāsitāraṃ sarvasya jagataḥ praśāsitāram –

The one who governs the entire world.


Haṭhayogapradīpikā. - This term or its derivatives are not found in the text 


This term seems to be a term specific to  Yogasūtra not found elsewhere. Also, the meanings given by the traditional commentaries are rich bringing out various shades of possible meanings and would suffice to understand anuśāsana.



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