मिथ्या - Mithyā

 About Śabdayoga

Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan


मिथ्या - Mithyā


मथ+ यक् = मिथ्या

matha+kyap = mithyā

·       Matha is the root (मथ विलोडने) – to aGītāte, to shake, to stir

·       Yak is the suffix which is used to indicate - the doer. This suffix is added based on the grammatical rule अघ्न्यादयश्च aghnyādayaśca  (uṇādisūtram  4.112)

The derivative statement is मथते इति मिथ्या[1] – mathate iti mithyā-  That which aGītātes, shakes and stirs.

Conventionally Mithyā in the texts refer to something which is wrong/false. Indeed, going by etymology falsehood - aGītātes, shakes and stirs.



The solitary Amarakośa reference on the term is as follows -

मृषा मिथ्या वितथे (3.4.15)

mṛṣā mithyā ca vitathe

mṛṣā mithyā and vitathe point to falsehood


Textual occurrences


There is just one reference to mithya in this text. It is as follows -

·       विपर्ययो मिथ्याज्ञानमतद्रूपप्रतिष्ठम् .  

viparyayo mithyājñānamatadrūpapratiṣṭham .. 1.8 ..

As evident from the reference Viparyaya –activity of the mind is defined as false/wrong knowledge (mithyā-jñāna) which not based on the form/attribute of the object that is being perceived/known.



In this text also there is a solitary reference. It is in the context of Karma-yoga. Here also the term mithya is part of a compound – mithyācāra -

·       कर्मेन्द्रियाणि संयम्य आस्ते मनसा स्मरन्

इन्द्रियार्थान्विमूढात्मा मिथ्याचारः उच्यते .६॥

karmendriyāṇi saṃyamya ya āste manasā smaran .

indriyārthānvimūḍhātmā mithyācāraḥ sa ucyate .. 3.6..

As evident from the reference – Even while not employing the senses of actions, but remembering the objects of the senses in the mind is called as Mithyācāra -false practice or hypocrisy. Lord Kṛṣṇa states this is t emphasize that this is not the way to do Karmayoga.



There is just again one reference in this text for mithyā. It is again part of the compound mithyāpralāpa. The reference in that regard is as follows -

·       यावन्नैव प्रविशति चरन्मारुतो मध्यमार्गे

यावद् बिन्दुर्न भवति दृढः प्राणवातप्रबन्धात्

यावद् ध्याने सहजसदृशं जायते नैव तत्त्वम्

तावज्ज्ञानं वदति तदिदं दम्भमिथ्याप्रलापः .११४

yāvannaiva praviśati caranmāruto madhyamārge

yāvad bindurna bhavati dṛḍhaḥ prāṇavātaprabandhāt .

yāvad dhyāne sahajasadṛśaṃ jāyate naiva tattvam

tāvajjñānaṃ vadati tadidaṃ dambhamithyāpralāpaḥ .. 4.114 ..

This is the very last verse of the text. It is indicated here that - without making the Prāṇa move in Suṣumnā, without making the semen firm (control over sensual attractions), without attaining the state resembling Sahaja (Samādhi) - merely speaking about the knowledge (of Yoga) is boastful, false prattle (mithyāpralāpa). 



In conclusion it can be stated that mithyā, meaning false/wrong -  is used an adjective in the yogic texts considered here - falsehood in knowledge, practice and prattle (mithyājñāna, mithyācāra, mithyāpralāpa). Unlike in Vedānta it is not used to indicate illusionary or false nature of the entire creation (jaganmithyā).  



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