निद्रा - Nidrā

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Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan


 निद्रा - Nidrā 


नि+द्रा+अङ् = निद्रा

ni+drā+aṅ = nidrā

  • Ni is the prefix that means – nitarām Wholly, entirely, completely   
  • Drā is the root that means kutsā –to be spoiled, to sleep etc
  • Aṅ is the suffix which is used to indicate Bhāva – the act. This suffix is added as per the grammatical rule आतश्चोपसर्गे ātaścopasarge (aṣṭādhyāyī 3.3.106)   

The derivative statement would be निद्रायते इति निद्रा nidrāyate iti nidrā - The act of sleeping.



There is one reference to this word in Amarakośa

स्यान्निद्रा शयनं स्वापः स्वप्नः संवेश इत्यपि (1.7.36)

syānnidrā śayanaṃ svāpaḥ svapnaḥ saṃveśa ityapi

Nidrā, śayana, svāpa, svapna, saṃveśa are five words that indicate sleep


Textual Occurrences


There are three references to Nidrā in this text.

  1. प्रमाणविपर्ययविकल्पनिद्रास्मृतय ॥१.६॥

pramāṇaviparyayavikalpanidrāsmṛtaya ..1.6..- As in the earlier cases, this sūtra lists out Nidrā as one among the vṛttis/activities of the mind.

  1. अभावप्रययालम्बना वृत्तिर्निद्रा ॥१.१०॥

abhāvaprayayālambanā vṛttirnidrā ..1.10.. - This Sūtra defines Nidrā as the that activity of the mind which takes support of the cause of absence (of the waking and dream states). The commentators clarify that Tamas is the cause that leads to the absence of the waking and dream states. 

  1. स्वप्ननिद्राज्ञानालम्बनं वा ॥१.३८॥

svapnanidrājñānālambanaṃ vā ..1.38.. - This Sūtra prescribes an interesting method to calm the mind down and facilitate the attainment of one pointed focus based on Nidrā. It is stated here, that by meditating upon the peaceful and pleasant dream (svapna) & deep sleep state (nidrā) - the mind attains calmness and focus.


There are two references to Nidrā in this text, and both are in the context of elaborating upon the quality of Tamas.

  1. तमस्त्वज्ञानजं विद्धि मोहनं सर्वदेहिनाम्

प्रमादालस्यनिद्राभिस्तन्निबध्नाति भारत ॥१४.८॥

tamastvajñānajaṃ viddhi mohanaṃ sarvadehinām .

pramādālasyanidrābhistannibadhnāti bhārata .. 14.8 .. - This verse from the 14 chapter speaks about the impact of Tamas. Herein, it is stated that, Tamas binds a person with mistakes, laziness and sleep (Nidrā).

  1. यदग्रे चानुबन्धे सुखं मोहनमात्मनः

निद्रालस्यप्रमादोत्थं तत्तामसमुदाहृतम् १८.३९

yadagre cānubandhe ca sukhaṃ mohanamātmanaḥ .

nidrālasyapramādotthaṃ tattāmasamudāhṛtam .. 18.39 .. - This reference from the 18th chapter, speaks about the Tāmasic comfort (sukha). It is a comfort that one attains by mistakes, laziness and sleep(Nidrā).



There are five references of Nidrā in this text from three chapters.

  1. योगिनीचक्रसंमान्य सृष्टिसंहारकारकः

क्षुधा तृषा निद्रा नैवालस्यं प्रजायते .५५॥

yoginīcakrasaṃmānya sṛṣṭisaṃhārakārakaḥ .

na kṣudhā na tṛṣā nidrā naivālasyaṃ prajāyate .. 2.55.. - This verse from the second chapter speaks of the outcomes of Sītkārī Prāṇāyāma. It is said here that sleep, thirst, hunger etc will not be felt by the Yogin who excels in this practice.

  1. रोगा मरणं तन्द्रा निद्रा क्षुधा तृषा

मूर्च्छा भवेत्तस्य यो मुद्रां वेत्ति खेचरीम् ॥३.३९॥

na rogā maraṇaṃ tandrā na nidrā na kṣudhā tṛṣā .

na ca mūrcchā bhavettasya yo mudrāṃ vetti khecarīm ..3.39..- This verse from the third chapter speaks of the outcomes of the practice of Khecharī mudrā. It is said that disease, death, sleep etc can be overcome by this practice.

  1. पुच्छे प्रगृह्य भुजगीं सुप्तामुद्बोधयेच्च ताम्

निद्रां विहाय सा शक्तिः ऊर्ध्वमुत्तिष्ठते हठात् ॥३.१११॥

pucche pragṛhya bhujagīṃ suptāmudbodhayecca tām .

nidrāṃ vihāya sā śaktiḥ ūrdhvamuttiṣṭhate haṭhāt ..3.111..- This verse from the third chapter comes as part of the description of the śakticālana mudrā. Nidrā - sleep - here refers to the sleep of the Kuṇḍalī which is to be awakened by this practice.   

  1. अभ्यासे तु विनिद्राणां मनो धृत्वा समाधिना

रुद्राणी वा परा मुद्रा भद्रां सिद्धिं प्रयच्छति .१२५

abhyāse tu vinidrāṇāṃ mano dhṛtvā samādhinā .

rudrāṇī vā parā mudrā bhadrāṃ siddhiṃ prayacchati .. 3.125 .. - The word vinidrā is used here. Nidrā according to the Jyotsnā commentary here means laziness. Vinidrā then means those without laziness[1]. Those who, without laziness strive in the practice of Yoga using rudrāṇī (śāmbhavī) or such other mudrās, attain success.  

  1. चित्तानन्दं तदा जित्वा सहजानन्दसम्भवः

दोषदुःखजराव्याधिक्षुधानिद्राविवर्जितः .७५

cittānandaṃ tadā jitvā sahajānandasambhavaḥ .

doṣaduḥkhajarāvyādhikṣudhānidrāvivarjitaḥ .. 4.75 .. - In this verse, the word Nidrā is used in the context of discussing Nādānusandhāna. The Citta attains bliss by focusing on the Nāda. That need of Nāda to generate bliss is overcome by focusing the natural state of (consciousness based) bliss (sahajānanda). In such a state(sahajānanda) there will be no suffering, hunger, sleep & such other mundane urges for the Yogin. 



Thus, based on the textual occurrences, it could be seen that -

1)     Nidrā is an activity of the mind in the Yogasūtra. This text also utilizes the experiences of Nidrā as an object of meditation to attain the state of Citta-prasādana.   

2)     Nidrā is an effect of Tamoguna in both Yogasūtras and Bhagavadgītā

3)     In Haṭhayogapradīpikā Nidrā is seen as a phenomenon that is overcome by the practice of various techniques of Yoga. It could also be noted that there are references to sleeping Kuṇḍalī. The unique aspect of interpretation of Nidrā being equated to laziness could also be noted from the commentary to this text.  


[1] विगता निद्रा येषां ते तथा तेषाम् । निद्रापदम् आलस्योपलक्षणम् । अनलसानामित्यर्थः ।


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