सारूप्यम्- Sārūpya


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Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan



सारूप्यम्- Sārūpya



This word is derived in two levels. First the word Sarūpa is arrived at and from that the word sārūpyam is derived.

समानं रूपं यस्य सः सरूप:

samānaṃ rūpaṃ yasya saḥ sarūpaḥ

The one who has a similar form is sarūpa


At the first level it is a compound where the word sarūpa is arrived at by combining the words  

Samāna (similar/identical) and rūpa (form). They are combined as per the Bahuvrīhi compound rule तेन सहेति तुल्ययोगे tena saheti tulyayoge  (aṣṭādhyāyī  2.2.28)


सरूप+ष्यञ् = सारूप्यम्

sarūpa+ṣyañ = sārūpyam

The suffix ṣyañ is added to the word sarūpa to denote the nature or attribute. The suffix is added as per the grammar rule गुणवचनब्राह्मणादिभ्यः कर्मणि guṇavacanabrāhmaṇādibhyaḥ karmaṇi ca (aṣṭādhyāyī 5.1.124)

Hence the derivative statement would be - सरूपस्य भावः सारूप्यम् sarūpasya bhāvaḥ sārūpyam -  The nature of sarūpa is sārūpyam (identical nature/form)


 Lexicon – This term is not found in Amarakośa.

Textual Occurrences


There is just one occurrence of this term in this text.

वृत्तिसारूप्यमितरत्र .

vṛttisārūpyamitaratra .. 1.4 ..- The Sūtra states that when not in state of Yoga, the form of the consciousness attains (reflects) the - form similar - (sārūpya) to that of the activities of the mind (Vṛttis).

 Bhagavad-gītā & Haṭha-yoga-pradīpikā – This term is not found in these two texts.



It is to be noted that, while the term sārūpya is generally found in āgamas & purāṇas and other divinity oriented systems of knowledge– in Yogic context from among the three major texts considered – it is seen exclusively in Yoga-sūtras only.



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