शून्य - śūnya


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Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan


शून्य - śūnya



1)    शूना+ यत् = शून्यम्

śūnā+ yat = śūnyam


2)    श्वन् + यत्  = शून्यम्

śvan + yat  = śūnyam


1)    Śūnā is a noun that means to misdeed/violent act

yat is the suffix that is added to the word to indicate the meaning – beneficial for that. The suffix added as per the grammatical rule  उगवादिभ्यो यत् (aṣṭādhyāyī  5.1.2)

Hence the derivative statement would be शूनायै हितम् - शून्यम्- śūnāyai hitam – śūnyam - śūnya refers to the (solitary/empty place or uninhabited-ness) conducive to commit misdeeds/violence etc.

The following derivation of the term in apte and Vacasatyam[1]  dictionaries are worth noting - शूनायै प्राणिवधाय हितं रहस्यस्थानत्वात् यत्  that (the empty place/ uninhabited place or aloneness/aloofness )which is appropriate for killing animals (misdeed, an act of violence secretively)


2)    Śvan is the noun that means a dog

yat is the suffix that is added to the word to indicate the meaning – beneficial for that. The suffix added as per the grammatical rule  उगवादिभ्यो यत् (aṣṭādhyāyī  5.1.2)

Hence the derivate statement would be - शुने हितम् - शून्यम्  śune hitam – śūnyam - that (solitary/empty place or uninhabited-ness) which is fit for animals like (stray) dog.

Though the word śūnya has negative origins, still the sense conveyed is emptiness. It is interesting to note how various very commonly used terms have strange origins.


There is one entry on śūnya in Amarakosha. It is as follows

असारं फल्गु शून्यं तु वशिकं तुच्छरिक्तके

Asāra, phalgu, śūnya, vaśika tuccha, riktaka are all words that indicate emptiness or void.


Textual Occurrences


There are 4 references to the word śūnya in this text

1.     शब्दज्ञानानुपाती वस्तुशून्यो विकल्पः .९॥

śabdajñānānupātī vastuśūnyo vikalpaḥ .. 1.9.. – This reference again has been explained in the context of previous words also. But here vastuśūnya – devoid of the object - is the expression where śūnya indicates absence (devoid).


2.     स्मृतिपरिशुद्धौ स्वरूपशून्येवार्थमात्रनिर्भासा निर्वितर्का .४३

smṛtipariśuddhau svarūpaśūnyevārthamātranirbhāsā nirvitarkā .. 1.43 ..

svarūpaśūnya – devoid of one’s own form - is the expression to be noted here.  This is stated in the context of the nirvitarka state of samāpatti  - where when the memory is cleansed of the imaginary connections of word, object and the knowledge the (gross) object alone shines in the mind. At that state, the mind reflects the object alone and, it is as if the mind is devoid of its own form. 


3.     तदेवार्थमात्रनिर्भासं स्वरूपशून्यमिव समाधिः .

tadevārthamātranirbhāsaṃ svarūpaśūnyamiva samādhiḥ .. 2.3 ..

As in the earlier case,  here also the expression svarūpaśūnya – devoid of one’s own form – is used. In the earlier discussion a specific state of (nirvitarka) Samādhi is defined where – mind reaches a state where it as if bereft of its own form. The current Sūtra defines Samādhi in general (common definition) where again we find the expression svarūpaśūnya. This indicates that svarūpaśūnya-tva is an important component of Samādhi in all it levels.

4.     पुरुषार्थशून्यानां गुणानां प्रतिप्रसवः कैवल्यं स्वरूपप्रतिष्ठा वा चितिशक्तिरिति .३४

puruṣārthaśūnyānāṃ guṇānāṃ pratiprasavaḥ kaivalyaṃ svarūpapratiṣṭhā vā citiśaktiriti .. 4.34 ..

The expression to be noted here is puruṣārthaśūnya – being bereft of any purpose to (serve) the puruṣa (the consciousness).  This is the very last Sūtra of the text. Here, on attainment of the final state of refinement by the mind, the three Guṇas have no purpose left to serve the puruṣa and so they attain pratiprasava – dissolution into their cause. 

Bhagavadgītā – No entry in this text


There are 14 references to Śūnya in this text. It could be noted all these references are from the third and fourth chapters. The fourth chapter contributes maximum references (11), followed by the third chapter (3 references). The references are discussed hereunder -

Chapter 3

1.     प्राणस्य शून्यपदवी तदा राजपथायते

तदा चित्तं निरालम्बं तदा कालस्य वञ्चनम् .३॥

2.     सुषुम्ना शून्यपदवी ब्रह्मरन्ध्रं महापथः

श्मशानं शाम्भवी मध्यमार्गश्चेत्येकवाचकाः .

prāṇasya śūnyapādavī tadā rājapathāyate .

tadā cittaṃ nirālambaṃ tadā kālasya vañcanam .. 3.3..

suṣumnā śūnyapādavī brahmarandhraṃ mahāpathaḥ .

śmaśānaṃ śāmbhavī madhyamārgaścetyekavācakāḥ .. 3.4 ..

The expression śūnyapādavī is seen to recur in two successive verses.In verse 3.4 it is a synonym of suṣumnā- nāḍī. In 3.3 it has been mentioned that once the kuṇḍalī is awakened then suṣumnā becomes a royal path for the prāṇa to traverse. The literal meaning of the expression śūnyapādavī though not discussed in text – can be generally understood as śūnya – empty/free pādavī – path.


3.     सुषिरं ज्ञानजनकं पञ्चस्रोतःसमन्वितम्

तिष्ठते खेचरीमुद्रा तस्मिन् शून्ये निरञ्जने .५३

suṣiraṃ jñānajanakaṃ pañcasrotaḥsamanvitam .

tiṣṭhate khecarīmudrā tasmin śūnye nirañjane .. 3.53 ..

As evident, this verse speaks about the khecarīmudrā. It is stated that khecarīmudrā stays in the space of cavity of the palate. The word śūnya, according to jyotsnā commentary refers to space in the cavity (śūnye suṣirāvakāśe).  


Chapter 4

The relevant expressions and their context in the verses are presented briefly hereunder from chapter 4 based on the jyotsnā saṃskṛta commentary. Diligent readers can use the reference numbers and look up and explore the verses in full from the source text.

      I.          śūnyāśūnyaṃ (4.3) – This is a synonym of Samādhi (which refers to being empty (of distracting thoughts) and at the same time not empty (being fixed on the object of focus))

    II.          prāṇaḥ śūnye pralīyate  (4.10) – here the word śūnya refers to Brahmarandhra (suṣumnā) where the  prāṇa is set to get absorbed. This is said to happen when kuṇḍalī is awakened by the practice of various limbs of Haṭhayoga.

 III.          śūnye viśati mānase (4.12) – here the mind is stated to enter into śūnya – which means the Brahman which is devoid of limitations in terms of time, space etc. This is also said to happen when kuṇḍalī is awakened.

 IV.           śūnyāśūnyavilakṣaṇaṃ (4.37) -  This describes the śāmbhava state that is reached by the practice of śāmbhavīmudrā. This state is described as being distinct from  śūnya and aśūnya. It is distinct from emptiness (śūnya) as there are activities of the mind focused on the object of meditation and it is distinct from (aśūnya) non emptiness as the very presence of the object of focus is not perceived separately from the mind (the mind gets absorbed in it).       

   V.          śūnye citsukharūpiṇi (4.38) – The outcome of both śāmbhavī & khecarī is stated to lead to bliss on experiencing the consciousness that is śūnya – the entity without limitations of time, space and objects.

 VI.          iḍāpiṅgalyoḥ madhye śūnyaṃ (4.44) -  śūnya here refers to the space in between the iḍā and piṅgala nāḍīs. It is stated here that prāṇa gets absorbed in this space by the practice of khecarī  Mudrā.

VII.          antaḥ śūnyo bahiḥ śūnyaḥ śūnyaḥ kumbha (4.56) – Manolaya (absorption of the mind) method is described here where a Yogi should visualize that there is nothing (śūnya) other than Brahman within and without.

VIII.          hyānandaḥ śūnyasambhavaḥ (4.70), sampūrṇahṛdayaḥ śūnyaḥ (4.71) – Experience of bliss in śūnya is described here by piercing the Brahmagranthi that lies in the anāhatacakra by the practice of prāṇāyāma. Śūnya in both these verses refers to hṛdākāśa – the space of the heart (mid-chest).

 IX.          atiśūnye vimardaśca (4.73) – atiśūnya here refers to kaṇṭhāvakāśa – the space in the throat region. It is stated here that when the Viṣṇugranthi is pierced by the practice of prāṇāyāma - vimarda – various sounds are heard in the throat region.

   X.          mahāśūnyaṃ  (4.74) – This word refers to the space in between the eyebrows. This is where Mardala and other sounds are heard. This is the paricaya stage in the practice of nādānusandhāna.



On the studying the references above across the Yoga literature, the word śūnya has various connotations. They include

-        emptiness

-        absence

-        Space

-        Space in the heart

-        the suṣumnā-nāḍī

-        the Brahman – pure consciousness

Other related expressions are also found such as atiśūnya, mahāśūnya śūnyāśūnya.

All these have to be noted and this term occurring in these various contexts are to be carefully studied and interpreted. 



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