आलम्बनम् - ālambanam
About Śabdayoga Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan आलम्बनम् - ālambanam Etymology आङ् + लम्ब + ल्युट् = आलम्बनम् āṅ + lamba + lyuṭ = ālambanam The prefix is āṅ The root is lamba - लम्ब् अवस्रंसने - lamb avasraṃsane. The meaning of the root is to hang down. The suffix is lyut. It indicates the object of actions (karma). This suffix is added to the root based on the grammatical rule कृत्यल्ल्युटो बहुलम् kṛtyallyuṭo bahulam ( a ṣṭā dhy ā y ī 3.3.113 ) Based on the grammatical derivation the derivation statement of the word can be as follows - आलम्ब्यते यत् तत् आलम्बनम् - ālambyate yat tat ālambanam – the support of that which is taken to hang on. Lexicon - There are no entires of this term in Amarakośa Textual Occurrences Yogasūtra There are four occurrences to the term in this text. They are as follows - अभावप्रययालम्बना वृत्तिर्निद्रा ॥ १ . १० ॥ स्वप्ननिद्राज्ञानालम्ब...