सम्प्रज्ञातः- Samprajñāta
About Śabdayoga Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan सम्प्रज्ञातः- Samprajñāta Etymology सम् + प्र + ज्ञा + क्त = सम्प्रज्ञात sam+pra+jñā + kta = samprajñāta In the above etymology – · The Prefixes are सम् & प्र - sam+pra. The prefix ‘sam’ has been given a host of meanings in the dictionaries [1] . Among them सम्यक् - Samyak – well - is the meaning that has been utilized in the commentaries of Yogasūtra for the current word under consideration. · Similarly the prefix ‘Pra’ has many meanings [2] – of which in the current context the meaning भृश – exceedingly - seems appropriate. · The Root word is ज्ञा jñā – which given the meaning – अवबोधन – avabodhana – to know/to realize/ To understand. [3] · Suffix क्त – kta (going by the view of the commentators of yogasūtr...