यत्नः- Yatnaḥ
About Śabdayoga Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan यत्नः- Yatnaḥ Etymology यत + नङ् = यत्नः yata + naṅ = yatnaḥ · यत yata is the root that means प्रयत्न Prayatna – to make effort, to try etc · नङ् naṅ is the suffix. It is added to the root to denote the sense – भाव - Bh āva - the act - it is based on the rule यजयाचयतविच्छप्रच्छरक्षो नङ् yajayācayatavicchapraccharakṣo naṅ (aṣṭādhyāyī 3.3.90) [1] Based on the etymology the derivative statement then would be यत्यते इति यत्नः yatyate iti yatnaḥ - the act of making effort. Lexicon There is no entry for the word in Amarakośa Textual Occurrences Yogasū...