प्रणिधानम्- praṇidhāna
प्रणिधानम्- praṇidhāna About Śabdayoga Blog author Jayaraman Mahadevan Etymology प्र + नि + धा + ल्युट् = प्रणिधानम् pra + ni + dhā + lyuṭ = praṇidhānam · The Prefixes here are pra and ni – that means respectively. Pra refers to प्रकर्ष – prakarṣa - clearly/explicitly [1] ni – नितराम् – nitar ā m completely [2] · The root is dhā to mean - धारण - पोषणयोः dhāraṇa-poṣaṇayoḥ - to hold and to noursih · The suffx is lyut which is added by the grammatical rule ल्युट् च lyuṭ ca ( aṣṭādhyāyī 3.3.115) . The meaning brought in by adding the suffix is the – भाव - the act. Hence the derivation of the term would be – प्रणिधीयते इति प्रणिधनम् – praṇidhīyate iti praṇidhanam- the act of placing clearly and completely / surrendering. Lexicon There is one reference to the word in amarakośa . It is as follows - ...